Live post notification

Thank you for purchasing my plugin. If you have any questions please leave a comment on the comment section of the plugin.

Installing via Wordpress administration area
After you have purchased the plugin go to wordpress administration area then on PLUGINS , ADD NEW , UPLOAD and browse to  the zip file you downloaded  and click INSTALL
Activate  through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Installing via FTP
1. Upload the folder 'albdesign_new_post_notification' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Activate  through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


After installing the plugin you will find a new menu item named "Post Notification" on the main administration menu 

Click that menu and you`ll be taken on the settings page of the plugin where you can set your options like below



Lets explain the above settings


1) Enable notification for new

Check if you want to show the popup for new post, page or woocommerce product published

2) Hide notification after

Time in milliseconds ( 1000 milliseconds makes 1 second ) after which the popup will be hidden. If set to 0 the popup will not be automatically hidden and the user will have to click the X on the popup in order to hide it

3)Show post/page author name

If you like to show the name of the author of the post,page or product on the popup

4) Show images

If you like to show or not  on the popup the featured image that is assigned to the post,page or product

5) Recheck interval 

Time to recheck for new post,pages or products

6) Max visible

The maximum number or visible popups. if set for example to 3 then 3 popups will be stacked one above the other

7) Remove other

If set to yes, the actual popup will remove all the other popups . In this way only the latest popup will be visible and no stacking of popups is possible

8) Popup position

8 different position where the popup should show

9) Popup colors

Here you can set the colors of the text , links and the background of the popup

After the popup is enabled and configured  it takes the ID of the latest post,pages and woocommerce product and saves them  .

Depending on the recheck inteval the plugin will check for new post,pages,products and if new post,page,products are published ( ID number is greater ) it will show the popup and also save the latest ID so it will not show twice the same popup

Plugin configuration options

Should you need support please contact me via the comments sections of the plugin on the codecanyon page (click here) or via email at
Thank you again for purchasing this plugin , dont forget to rate it  and I hope you enjoy it